
Transformers Animated The Game - Nintendo DS


Transformers Animated Series has now spun its first (and hopefully not the last) video game. It is the Transformers Animated The Game for the Nintendo DS handheld based on the latest Transformation Animated series.

transformersanimated the game

Transformers Animated The Game Box Art

The only playable character here are Optimus Prime, Bulk Head, Bumble Bee and Prowl. Each has its own distinct abilities which prompts the users to often switch between characters inside the game. These are some of the screenshots I've taken from the first part of the game which will further explains how the game play is like:

bulk head in ds game

This is the switch to Bulk Head in Mission mode. He is able to block enemy attacks and pounce through obstacles (e.g. breakable walls and doors). He can aim through objects and unleash his wrecjking ball for damage and unlocking doors. He can't jump though.

bumblebee in ds transformers animated the game

Bumble Bee's ability in Mission Mode is the stingers which is essential to destroy enemies and open up generators and lifts. Bumble Bee has the ability to jump to walls.

optimus prime in ds transformers animated the game

Optimus Prime can use his grappling hook to zip up or down through obstacles and use his giant axe to slash through enemies or throw it at them. He can also block attacks

prowl in ds transformers animated the game

This is Prowl in Race Mode. He can zip left and right to avoid other vehicles in the road and jump up through obstacles. He can also transform and shoot stars at flying or moving enemies. It is said that Optimus Prime and Bumble Bee can be used in Race Mode as well.

Some more screenshots from the game:

Here is a sample of its gameplay on the Nintendo DS Hand Held:

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Transformers Philippines REVIEW

"Transformers Philippines is the Vector Sigma of Pinoy TF fandom" - Ruel De Vera,

"Transformers Philippines online forum, the largest and most prominent Transformers-related forum in the country." - Alex Villafania, Hackenslash

"Collectible for the Big Boys" - ANC Dateline

"theyre doing a great job having a site, an egroup, and especially holding screenings." - Jomike Tejido, artist and Kzone Foldabots creator

"They can help remember and, ultimately, relive the days when robots had the ability to control their bodies in order to resemble other objects" - Gadgets Magazine

"The Place where TF is Alive and kicking!!!!" - D.A.R.K. Corp Alliance


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